Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Free Car Advertising

     My first reaction to free car advertising was =/ ?
  What is free car advertising?
     Is it the process of simply placing a free ad on craiglist in order to sell a vehicle? Well, the answer to that question is, no.
     So what is "Free Car Advertising"?
     Free car advertising is the processs of wrapping a vehicle in order to generate traffic and revenue for a brand or company. Usually, temporary small businesses use this channel of advertising, simply because it is effective when trying to reach a greater audience, and it is a 'one time' transaction; paying month to month advertising is expensive.
     Wrapping your company vehicle is not only affordable, but it also generates the revenue you need. Most Americans hate traffic, but, as a bussiness owner, we love it!
     The more traffic, the better; having a company vehicle wrapped and stuck in the middle of traffic is the best opportunity for exposure. Its all about the exposure, and how many times a day they are exposed to your message? All FedEx drivers have FEDEX on their company vehicles and all Coke Cola drivers have COKE COLA on their company vehicles.
    The purpose of wrapping a vehicle is to generate exposure, which will increase the traffic to your business, therefore, generating potential revenue.
     So what is Free Car Advertising?  
Free Car Advertising
  It is an affordable and effective method used to generate traffic and revenue. TRAFFIC CAN BE YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND!

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