Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Law Firm Advertising

Law Firm Advertising

Law Firm Advertising can be difficult, especially with so many attorneys trying to gain their own profits. It is best to avoid clichés when creating Law Firm Advertisements. Consumers tend to tune out boring advertisements as well as, completely forget the message. In some cases, it seems as though, some lawyers are advertising without a USP (Unique Selling Proposition); they lack interest and are too informative. This image is an eye opener, but it has a greater effect, therefore, a greater impact and more awareness.  Chicago Law Firm Presents New Divorce Ad Campaign

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Advertising T-shirts

Advertising on T-shirts will generate awareness and traffic. Many fashion designers are creating and wearing their own garments in order to promote their personal brand; a cost effective way to generate awareness. Nike goes as far as endorsing Olympic Athletes to wear their Nike branded equipment for exposure and awareness. The greatest advantage to exposure and awareness is reach; when the Olympic athletes perform, it reaches to an audience across the globe.

Advertising T-shirts is not the process of selling a t-shirt; it's the process of generating awareness and traffic by advertising on the t-shirt. Awareness is established after the shirt has been worn and exposed to an audience. Advertising T-shirts can create an exclusive lifestyle, which may potentially, target an even greater audience. Nike is not just on TV, Nike is all around you. Nike shoes, Nike caps, Nike clothes, Nike Gear, Nike is GLOBAL.

Advertising T-Shirts

Another company known for Advertising on T-shirts is Abercrombie. I've never seen such poor quality and plain looking clothes go for so much. I can put holes in my own jeans if I wanted to and if a polo shirt were to say any name printed in bold, it would be my name. The success of Abercrombie astonishes me, however, their consumers don't. It's not surprising that you can literally tell people what to wear just because, "Everybody’s doing it." A Walking Advertisement

Famous Advertising Slogans

There is something that just stay stuck in your head; Famous Advertising Slogans are one of them. Remember when Kodak Cameras were dominating their market and wanted their consumers to not just capture a great image, but instead to capture a Kodak Moment?

Now, every priceless moment can be expressed as a Kodak Moment.

How about the advertising campaign for milk? It still has an effect on the community and remains as one of the Famous Advertising Slogans; Got Milk? It was so simple and with poor grammar, its success is astonishing. Another Famous Advertising Slogan was created by Gieko Insurance, "It's so easy, that a Caveman Could Do It." It's an insulting statement, yet a successful campaign, which is the reason, I assume that they have two company slogans; 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. This approach was a more informative statement and not at all insulting. Gieko even uses the idol of a venerable Gecko (lizard) to endorse their statement/

These Famous Advertising Slogans are just a few that stick in the heads of consumers.

In some cases, slogans are created by the consumers.

Famous Advertising Slogans

Google is a search engine but has developed into a verb and even an object or person. Some people have referred Google as their best friend. Google is not your friend people. So instead, consumers use Google as a verb; "Google It." Consumers have created a slogan without even knowing it and creating traffic through word of mouth.
Famous Advertising Slogans

Mobile Text Advertising

Mobile Text Advertising is a great way to target a specific audience and promote offers, giveaways, deals, specials, etc. However, when I receive a Mobile Text Advertisement, I usually ignore it because it is simply just inconvenient; I have other things to do than to play consumer with some marketers. A small give-a-way or special offer that seems reasonable, without risk, would be more effective than a random Mobile Text Advertisement that says that I could win (x) amount of dollars in cash. Really? In most cases, it’s just a waste of time and companies should find more creative ways to generate traffic without causing spill outs.

It would make a lot more sense for marketers to send to send a coupon or extra incentive to buy a product or service, rather than a link to a website or any other additional process, in order to receive a promotion. It's inconvenient and not effective marketing.

Mobile Text Advertising should be a one-step promotion for the convenience of the consumer and for the inconvenience of their time; marketers are using Mobile Text Advertising to promote their business while disrupting a person's schedule. Marketers don't care if you're in a hospital or enjoying a romantic moment with your wife; they only want to generate profits for their wallets.

Mobile Text Advertising

If it's my money that they want, then it better not be inconvenient and I better get a good deal, otherwise, it's all just noise to me. What is Text Message Marketing?

Blow Up Advertising

Ok, so we all get a basic idea of what Blow Up Advertising is all about; Inflatable Advertising. For example, inflatable killer whale advertising for sea world or an inflatable figure that catches your attention when driving down the road.

Well, that's Blow Up Advertising, but do you understand its function or purpose?

It's easy to say that Blow Up Advertising is a waste of money and the economy situation doesn't allow for future spill outs or any other kind of potential loss; however, with so much advertising down a busy street, an inflatable advertisement, may be just the solution to create awareness throughout all the noise. How can you miss an inflatable advertisement, similar to a giant 3D balloon?

Regular print advertisements cannot compete against a 3D advertisement that is practically screaming in front of your face. Business owners understand the effectiveness of Blow Up Advertising but may not have the money to get an inflatable advertisement.

Not to worry. Lately, I've seen employees, not inflatable advertisements, stand in front of their employers establishment on a busy street, holding a sign to promote their business; the objective is to be the first one noticed throughout all the noise.

Blow Up Advertising
Blow Up Advertising isn't just Inflatable Advertisements anymore; Blow UP Advertising is the process of using a 3D figure, to promote a brand through extreme noise. Inflatable Advertisements

College Newspaer Advertising

The purpose of College Newspaper Advertising is to provide college with campus information. There are many universities that distribute a campus newspaper for students to read, however, some colleges don't provide more than just a billboard full of random information. Although we are in a digital age, where a text or email works just as effective, a hard copy newspaper will always be useful to students. Also, College Newspaper Advertising is a great way to prepare students for success after graduation. Any aspiring copywriter or creative artist, would benefit from College Newspaper Advertising; hands on experience with similar tasks and objectives that would resemble a printing press and the effort it takes to reach a goal, with a variety of perspectives and creative individuals. College Newspaper Advertising does have it disadvantages; the cost of printing can be a bit expensive compared to an email on the school's website.

College Newspaper Advertising

This is the biggest reason why small schools wouldn't even consider the idea. With the economy the way it is, budget cuts are always being considered and major investments are of not priority. OnCampus Advertising

Water Bottle Advertising

Water Bottle Advertising

Water bottle advertising is the perfect example of great marketing. This just proves that I have enough talent, and then I could sell just about anything through effective advertising. With a sink in every home, it's hard to convince me that I need to buy water in a bottle. Honestly, it's easier for me to fill up a pitcher of water and make some Kool-Aid. Marketing water in a bottle is great success, obviously, but the simple facts should, at least, turn on a light bulb. Who said that you need water in a bottle? If you are concerned about fluoride in tap water, there are water filters that attach to the facet of your sink; it purifies the water instead of using regular tap water filled with fluoride. It is not at all expensive and it's a onetime fee rather than spending up to $50 a month on bottle water. Water Bottle Advertising is simple and appeals to all people of all genders and lifestyles; everyone needs water to live, and that's why Water bottle Advertising is a great example of successful marketing. It has to be one of the cheapest ways to generate Traffic and Revenue. The creation of the Water Bottle Market was simple, crazy, and successful; anything will sell through effective advertising. Bottled Water Association Sues Over Water Bottle Ads

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Advertising Materials

What Do I Need To Succeed?

This is the million dollar question. Advertising materials are more than just a team of individuals; these individuals must generate revenue.

     Amongst the Wolves, become a Beast. The market will eat you then spit you out, so don't wait for the competitors to beat you to the punch; new, creative, and original ideas, and are of constant demand from clients and consumers. Marketers must consider the constant change within the market and target audience. Advertising Materials are much more than an artist with a direction; advertising materials include the motivation and dedication to a brand or company. Advertising Materials include commitment and responsibility, no matter the outcome; weather it generates a profit or create the downfall to an empire. I could go in depth, and explain the process of the promotional mix, client briefs, media planning, project management, etc., but I wanted to, first, explain the position of a Marketer. When creating an advertising campaign, you must always appeal to your target audience; as a marketer, you will always have a target audience and a client, whom is also, another type of audience. You must appeal to both crowds, with very different directions.

Client- Advertising Materials include: Concept, as well as, budget, demographics of target audience, break down of the Promotional Mix with pretty graphs and colorful charts, and a means to measure the results.

Target Audience-Advertising Materials include a concept as well as a creative incentive to buy. So advertising materials is not a list of things needed to be checked off. A person must possess the right character and ambition in order to obtain PROPER ADVERTISING MATERIALS. advertising materials, outline of people Advertising Materials