Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mobile Text Advertising

Mobile Text Advertising is a great way to target a specific audience and promote offers, giveaways, deals, specials, etc. However, when I receive a Mobile Text Advertisement, I usually ignore it because it is simply just inconvenient; I have other things to do than to play consumer with some marketers. A small give-a-way or special offer that seems reasonable, without risk, would be more effective than a random Mobile Text Advertisement that says that I could win (x) amount of dollars in cash. Really? In most cases, it’s just a waste of time and companies should find more creative ways to generate traffic without causing spill outs.

It would make a lot more sense for marketers to send to send a coupon or extra incentive to buy a product or service, rather than a link to a website or any other additional process, in order to receive a promotion. It's inconvenient and not effective marketing.

Mobile Text Advertising should be a one-step promotion for the convenience of the consumer and for the inconvenience of their time; marketers are using Mobile Text Advertising to promote their business while disrupting a person's schedule. Marketers don't care if you're in a hospital or enjoying a romantic moment with your wife; they only want to generate profits for their wallets.

Mobile Text Advertising

If it's my money that they want, then it better not be inconvenient and I better get a good deal, otherwise, it's all just noise to me. What is Text Message Marketing?

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