Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Advertising T-shirts

Advertising on T-shirts will generate awareness and traffic. Many fashion designers are creating and wearing their own garments in order to promote their personal brand; a cost effective way to generate awareness. Nike goes as far as endorsing Olympic Athletes to wear their Nike branded equipment for exposure and awareness. The greatest advantage to exposure and awareness is reach; when the Olympic athletes perform, it reaches to an audience across the globe.

Advertising T-shirts is not the process of selling a t-shirt; it's the process of generating awareness and traffic by advertising on the t-shirt. Awareness is established after the shirt has been worn and exposed to an audience. Advertising T-shirts can create an exclusive lifestyle, which may potentially, target an even greater audience. Nike is not just on TV, Nike is all around you. Nike shoes, Nike caps, Nike clothes, Nike Gear, Nike is GLOBAL.

Advertising T-Shirts

Another company known for Advertising on T-shirts is Abercrombie. I've never seen such poor quality and plain looking clothes go for so much. I can put holes in my own jeans if I wanted to and if a polo shirt were to say any name printed in bold, it would be my name. The success of Abercrombie astonishes me, however, their consumers don't. It's not surprising that you can literally tell people what to wear just because, "Everybody’s doing it." A Walking Advertisement

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