Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Famous Advertising Slogans

There is something that just stay stuck in your head; Famous Advertising Slogans are one of them. Remember when Kodak Cameras were dominating their market and wanted their consumers to not just capture a great image, but instead to capture a Kodak Moment?

Now, every priceless moment can be expressed as a Kodak Moment.

How about the advertising campaign for milk? It still has an effect on the community and remains as one of the Famous Advertising Slogans; Got Milk? It was so simple and with poor grammar, its success is astonishing. Another Famous Advertising Slogan was created by Gieko Insurance, "It's so easy, that a Caveman Could Do It." It's an insulting statement, yet a successful campaign, which is the reason, I assume that they have two company slogans; 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. This approach was a more informative statement and not at all insulting. Gieko even uses the idol of a venerable Gecko (lizard) to endorse their statement/

These Famous Advertising Slogans are just a few that stick in the heads of consumers.

In some cases, slogans are created by the consumers.

Famous Advertising Slogans

Google is a search engine but has developed into a verb and even an object or person. Some people have referred Google as their best friend. Google is not your friend people. So instead, consumers use Google as a verb; "Google It." Consumers have created a slogan without even knowing it and creating traffic through word of mouth.
Famous Advertising Slogans

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