Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Advertisements For Teenagers

What's up with all the twelve year old girls, looking like they're twenty?

Is it the poor judgment decisions made by our young teen adolescents? Or is this provocative attire and lifestyle, specifically targeted to our young teens?

Well, let's find out!

After going to several websites like Abercrombie, Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, Gilly Hicks, Arrie and American Eagle, I've noticed that the trend for adolescents is that of provocative attire. These companies are not advertising to adults, which instead, appeals to a much younger crowd; these companies are placing provocative miniskirts and tops on pre-teens when advertising their clothing line. At this rate, don't be surprised when your daughter starts to ask for birth control by the ninth grade.

Every woman and little girl should not feel the need to show skin, in order to please others.

Any object, form, or shape may resemble a pretty girl, but it is the character, morals, and values that mold her into a beautiful lady; if he doesn't agree, then he doesn't deserve you!

So, why the harsh criticism? Well, these advertisements are everywhere and these companies are the ones that create the latest and newest trends. So I encourage everyone to not be influenced, just be you. =) These companies don't care about moral, values, or character; these companies are only interested in generating revenue.

Advertisements for Teenagers
Advertising To Teens

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