Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Free Local Advertisements

     Who doesn't love a free paper full of local advertisements? The San Antonio Current is free to the public, so I decided to browse through the advertisements. I noticed that the S.A Current is targeted to an audience eight-teen and older based on the nature of some of the ads; nightlife information as well as personal ads, turned free local advertisements, into Jr. Craigslist.

     Many businesses use this channel to distribute local print advertising for an affordable price, and to a greater audience.

     The disadvantage to using this channel is that, the S.A. Current isn't targeted to a specific audience; people, now have the option to browse the web for almost about anything you want.

     However, the San Antonio Current, provides exposure, whereas, web searches are based on key words and phrases.

Free Local Advertisements
     This is a great resource for finding information on current events and a variety of night life entertainment. How to Get Free Local Advertising For Your Small Business

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