Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Holiday Advertisements

So how many Holidays do we have?

It's one thing to recognize a historical event that took place, like when Christopher Columbus found America (Columbus Day), but it's another thing, to try and create a Holiday just for traffic and revenue (Black Friday).

 Seriously, this isn't even a Holiday. It's just another way to get people to trample over everyone when the doors open. Seriously though, you could walk away with some great deals, but this is advertising at its best; through advertising, consumers are willing to wait in hour long lines and extreme weather for a deal. Some people are so easily influenced that they suit up for war while dodging and trampling over other Christmas shoppers. It wasn't that bad this year though, but then again, I don't really watch the news. So if you're in the Christmas spirit, then I encourage you to jump on all the great deals that your local retailers are promoting. I'm sure that a good riot would be awesome. As for me, I'll be sipping on hot chocolate with the kids because I really don't care about a great deal. I already have the gifts wrapped up and I didn't have to bust a few lips to do it. A great deal will not influence me to buy a product; I buy for the look of joy on my child’s face. Money and its entire promotions means nothing compared to priceless moments. Some things in life are not meant to put a price tag on. So instead of rushing for the best deal, I encourage all of you to stop rushing and start living. Christmas is the opportunity for retailers to place a price tag on your loved ones. Instead, enjoy the moments with your loved ones because Christmas is about giving your time to love and appreciate others. Holiday Advertisements are created to influence your buying behaviors. The retailer will say that the big red bow on a white SUV would make the perfect Christmas gift for your wife or she won't love you. I say, that's cool. The day she buys me a yacht will be the day I invest in a SUV. Sorry, Honey; I guess the minivan will have to do and I guess I'll have to settle for a canoe.

Holiday Advertisements
Keep Your Holiday Advertisements Merry Not Misleading

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