Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Importance Of Advertising

Importance of Advertising

What generates traffic and revenue? Answer- Advertising will generate exposure, therefore, creating awareness. Advertising is much more than just creating billboards or any other kind of print advertisement. It is easy to stereotype an artist as a painter. As an Artist, however, my perspective of advertising is when one can create an effective campaign while using specific elements in order to effectively generate traffic and revenue. My paint brush is my laptop and my inspiration is my environment, filled with entrepreneurs, all willing and ready to establish a name for themselves. I am the messenger and the visionary; advertising is art. Without art, there would be no vision. Art separates the good, the bad, and the amazing. A work of art is always open to different interpretations; this rule applies to advertising. There are many ways to approach a market, the question to ask yourself is, 'How will your company be recognized within the market and within the community?' The importance of advertising is emphasized so that one may understand the process of generating traffic and revenue. The world of advertising goes beyond just making print ads; advertising sells an idea as well as effectively distributing that message in order to generate a response. In a nutshell; Advertising gets a brand or company from point A and takes them to point B. Point A- Business Owner-Knows how to run a business, but has NO IDEA HOW TO GENERATE TRAFFIC AND REVENUE. Point B- Business Owner- Getting Paid due to advertising, therefore, creating awareness and ultimately, generating exposure and traffic; revenue can only be established after creating exposure. What Is The Importance Of Advertising?

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