Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Guerilla Advertising

No, Guerilla Advertising is not trying to sell a Guerilla.

So, what is Guerilla Advertising?

Guerilla Advertising is the process of exposing a brand or message in order to go viral and to create a massive response, usually without any interest to any company or government restrictions, permits, or consent. For example, when someone spray paints their name on private property, this is guerilla advertising; the person that spray painted his name on private property, did not pay for the exposure of his name, nor did he receive permission, but by the time the clean-up crew actually painted over the spray paint, an audience of (x) amount of people, have already been exposed to the name spray painted on private property. So, I'll be spray painting my name across the neighborhoods of the HR Representatives of high paying PR firms. I want it to sound familiar when my resume shows up on their desk. Chris Samaniego...why does that name sound so familiar? Oh yeah, because it was spray painted on my garage door. (That’s a joke) =) ha ha.


Anyways, this is only one form of Guerilla Advertising. Another, would be to create an electronic print ad using Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, etc., then export the file so that it fits all formats for mobile devices; the final step would be to share the ad via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.

Guerilla Advertising
122 Must See Guerilla Marketing Examples

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